December 15, 2010 in Ellenbogen Creative, K-Town Studios

Blank Slate Books - Official Website

Blank Slate Books approached Ellenbogen Creative with a simple but powerful vision to provide high-quality children's reading material that anyone can create. The result was a Seven21 building-wide collaboration, drawing on its wide base of diverse media talents.

Ellenbogen Creative produced the graphic design elements for the website. They succeeded in creating an easy-to-navigate, vibrant marketing site demonstrating the concept clearly. Ellenbogen Creative followed up by partnering with the audio talents at K-Town Studios to create a high-production value video to market the concept.

Thanks to the media resources at Seven21, Blank Slate Books did not have to search too far for all the services it needed to create a multifaceted and professional media presence.

more info: Blankslatebooks.com

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